Aging Kentuckians
KFEC provides vital resources to enhance financial well-being across all life stages. From scam and fraud awareness to budgeting skills, retirement planning, and securing financial stability in later years, KFEC equips individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate life's financial challenges and opportunities, safeguard their assets, and build a more secure and prosperous future.
Our Services
These in-person workshops provide a holistic approach to educating individuals about the financial risks they face and provide tools and resources to empower them to make better financial decisions.
Workshops are offered at various locations throughout the state.
Scammers love to target senior citizens. Some seniors are good targets because they are trusting, uncomfortable with technology, and usually answer the phone rather than let a call go to voicemail. Once they become a scam victim, they tend to be too embarrassed to let anyone know or to get help.
By taking advantage of technology, scammers frequently modify their ploys to get the most money and information without a lot of work. There are many scams targeting seniors, but here are the top ones to look for!
Staying healthy and financially secure as you age can be a challenge. Get the information and tools you need to manage your money, maintain your health, and improve your life.
Aging Kentuckians is one of seven cultivation communities targeted by Kentucky State Treasurer Allison Ball through her Financial Empowerment Coalition and Database. The following resources have been gathered from non-profit, business, and government entities focused on improving the financial livelihood of elderly Kentuckians.