Restarting the Kentucky Financial Educators Network
Kentucky Financial Educators,
Hope you are doing well and that the school year is beginning to wind down for you. I am reaching out to restart an initiative KFEC began in the fall, the Kentucky Financial Educators Network (KFEN).
KFEC started KFEN with the goal of training the trainers. We will connect you with other financial educators and provide you with a jumpstart on curriculum and lesson plans. To get started, we will be hosting a webinar on April 13th at 4 PM ET. Sign up below.
Financial Educators Panel Discussion. A Review of Resources and Tips - April 13th at 4 PM ET
Learn about new developments to the Kentucky Financial Educators Network. And, join our panel of educators and financial literacy education providers to hear about their experience teaching and providing financial literacy.
Brought to you by the Kentucky Financial Empowerment Commission and the Kentucky Jump$tart Coalition.
We are so excited about this event and hope you will join us. This is the start of KFEN events. This fall we will be hosting another event. Attendees will receive a KFEC branded YETI Rambler. We hope you will join us in April and in the Fall. In the meantime, please check out these awesome opportunities for your students.
Exciting Financial Literacy Opportunities for You and Your Students